Wednesday, October 15, 2003


Sigh... My heart is so heavy now... I was in Lecture Theatre 2 when Eyrique & gang told me the (awfully) bad news... Mr. Gillick will be leaving for Canada after the test tomorrow, and won't be back until the next semester!!! His 86-year-old mum is sufferinf from cancer, and needs to undergo surgery soon... but there are 20-30% chance that she might died on the operating table... Which is why Mr. Gillick has to make a hard decision... Sigh... I do pity him... He probably felt torn between staying here to teach or returning to Canada to look after his mum... He made the right and logical choice... I mean, this may his last chance to see his mum alive... But I sincerely pray and hope not!!!

I can see he feels very sad of that hard decision... When he mentioned he hoped to be able to see our mousecart trap, it's very evident his fighting back his tears... Sigh... No more online quizzes, challenge problems, bonus marks for articles, and internet notes... Sigh... I'm definitely gonna miss him... sorely... <=( The soundtrack of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon kept on playing in my head then... Tragic enought to fit this sad case...

Other than sadness, I also felt... worried, or uncertain... We only have 6 weeks left b4 the semester is over, 2 more units to cover, and so far no new teacher has been confirmed... Even if there will be one coming, will he/she know the difficulty level that CPU supposed to have? Wat if nobody understand wat he's teaching bcos the level he teaches is juz too high? And wat about the tests difficulties? The lab experiments? The ISU? Sigh... Too scary for me to imagine... I'll juz leave all this in the Almighty's hand... and pray hard...

Sigh... Farewell Mr. Gillick! Hope our path may cross again in the future!

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