Monday, April 12, 2004


I planned to blog after I returned home on Friday, but my PC went kaputt again! Something's wrong with Windows XP, and off the PC go to the repairman!!! Argh... I can't remember all the stuffs I wanna blog about anymore!!! Well, I'll try to remember as I blog now...

Went for the blood donation on Friday (9th April, coincidentally, Good Friday!). I was a little uncertain whether or not I should donate my blood then... Kinda worry about the effects afterwards. But I knew then if I dun do it, I'll surely regret about it later on, so I juz go for it... Well, it turned out to be quite alrite afterall! And I've made a shocking discovery that my blood type is actually A Positive! Gosh, I always thought my blood type is O! Both my parents told me theirs are O... Then mine couldn't have been A +ve! Unless... Hmmm, better not to think about it! >=)

Oh ya, during the CMAC (Chinese Martial Art Club) AGM b4 I went for the blood donation thingie, I was elected to be the vice secretary!!! Man, that must have been one of the dullest post in the commitee! Worse, I have no say about it! Every post is decided by Dr. Timonthy Sung, my Tai Chi master! Argh... But well, I guess I should be proud of myself, since ppl look up to me... NOT! Sigh... Well, what done is done. I'll juz do my best then.

Hmmmm... Can't seem to recall anything else I wanna blog about... Other than the fact that I really wanna watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind soon!!! The plot summary sounds cool! It's about a guy who went for a memory erasing procedure of his past romance with a girl after he found out that she has successfully the memory of them together b4 their breakup, but after the memory-erasing process had started, he finally realized as painful as the memories are, they are really worth cherishing, and he therefore struggles to fight against the process by trying to protect his memory from being erased (in a sub-concious kinda way), for the process is irreversible! Whoa, I juz summarize the plot in 1 sentence! Well, it does sound promising, and since the script is by the famous Charlie Kaufman, I'm sure not gonna miss it!

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