Thursday, June 10, 2004


I planned to blog about Dr. JPJ's (John Paul Judson) almost childish behaviour in the lecture hall yesterday (yet another lecturer waiting to be shot at)... But after the excellent lecture he gave us today, I guess it's better for me to blog some good stuff bout the lecturers than all the negative ones...

To be honest, I nv really liked JPJ's lectures... Maybe it's bcuz Dr. Durbar Charkarboty's lectures are so much more superior than his. I was slightly disappointed that I found JPJ's lecture on the anatomy of the sexual organs more on the boring side, since I always find them very interesting. I mean, it's the genesis of a new life after all! But today's lecture on Fertilization & Implantation are actually both amusing and informative.

JPJ use the analogy of The Amazing Race as an analogy of fertilization. 200-300 million participants (the sperms) took part in a race full of obstacles and challenges (the acidic enviroment of the vagina, the relatively long distance the sperms has to travel etc.) to win the grand prize (the ovum!!!). There's even the fast forward (suitable condition will increase the speed and probability of fertilization) and detour (sperms ended up at the wrong place... the GI tract for example). In the end, there will only be one winner to get the grand prize (only 1 sperm will make it to the ovum). After 1 of the sperm becomes a winner, fans and supporters will carry them up and throw them to the air (the cilia of the fallopian tube will rise and propels the newly-formed zygote towards the uterus). Cool analogy eh?

I used to dislike the use of analogy in teaching, since it almost always give a inaccurate picture of the real events, either it's too simplified or too comical to be actually informative (some of Dr. Hla's analogy, for example). Yet JPJ's The Amazing Race analogy is not only amusing, but very educational too. Maybe I shouldn't pass harsh judgement on the lecturers so swiftly in the future... >=)

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