Saturday, March 27, 2004


I haven't been reading the papers lately, so imagine my shock when I heard of the news on how the Hamas leader, Yassin was assasinated so brutally by the Israeli. I have always been ambivalent about Israel's action against Palestinian resistance, but now, I fully, vehemently protest against this outrageous atrocity commited by the Israeli, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in particular. I nv agree with Hamas' reaction thru suicide bombing, but wat Israel did is juz too much. How can they do that and still treat that shamelessly brutal act as justifiable? And the US actually support this atrocity?! Killing a frail old man on a wheelchair with missiles when he's completely without any protection?! Not to mention the casualties!!! Are Palestinians' life really so cheap in the Israelis' eye?! My whole heart cry against this great injustice!!!

Down with Ariel Sharon! I really want to see him overthrown. Down with Bush, for what is his "War on Terrorism" if he keeps on giving green light for the continual terrorism by the Israelis on the Palestinians? The whole world should sever their political and econimal ties with Israel and maybe even the US. Yes, it it a stupid notion, but it can also teach the 2 of them a serious lesson, that they are no big bosses of Earth or sumthing. Justice!!! >=@

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