Monday, March 15, 2004


Went to Rumah Kanak-kanak Terencat Akal Selangor at Ampang last Saturday, with Orientation Groups 1, 2 and 3. Since I was worried that we may stuck in a jam and died of boredom, I brought along my lecture notes... only to be labelled as a kiasu... Blegh... Anyway, we reached that place pretty fast... and I was kinda freak out when I heard all the cries from the house... reminded me of asylums for the mentally unstable. I'm serious.

The house is filled with 'children' (Between 11 to 41. U heard that right, 41) who have down syndrome or/and celebral palsy. I started out cleaning out the place, since I dunno how to communicate with them. But when we found out that place is seriously very clean already, I have no choice but to enter the house and see what I can do t help out. Well, I ended not doing much in the end. Most of them have already being surrounded by other students... except a few which were really really hard (nearly impossible) to talk to. There's the boy who juz sit that with his back facing us, drooling saliva all over the place, sings himself an unitelligible 'tune', and ignore all of us. I patted at his shoulder, but there was no reaction at all... There's another girl who kept crying and rolling on the floor, and no matter how hard I tried, I juz can't make her stop.

But not everyone was having a hard time there. Some of them really enjoyed themselves. One girl in particular ( I forgotten her name...) laughed all the way when we're drawing and singing and dancing with her. Most of us accompany her bcuz she's the only one who really shows interest in what we're trying to teach, and somehow that makes one of her inmates mad. Guess he's jealous or something. I dunno.

I started to feel restless by 10.30am, cuz I really dunno wat to do! I tried helping out the guys with the balloon by shaping them into shapes of animals, but I juz dun have the talent... So there I was, sitting at the window sill, chatting with my friends until it's 12.30pm... My was that a long dull moment. Found out King's father is actually the owner of Food Avenue there, but nothing much otherwise. 12.30pm finally came, and out I ran to the bus, and the 1st to step into the bus. Gosh was I glad to leave!

Well, there will be a presentation soon on the charity home visit to the VIPs of the uni... Let's juz hope I'm not involve in the presenting! XP

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