Sunday, October 16, 2005


Is my life really that boring now till I have nothing to update about?? Guess so... Sigh...

Finally caught Christabel by surprise in her surprise birthday party last night, thanks to the great collaboration between us and CB's mum! Hehehe... It's really amazing la how her mum can send her to Vista without arousing too much suspicion from her. The shock on CB's face is juz... priceless! Hehe... Happy 21st Birthday Christabel!!!

Played A Tale of Two Sisters during the party. As I expected, it got almost everyone confused throughout the movie, but I'm a bit disappointed that not many ppl like it at the end of the movie. And some ppl are juz so impatient! It's as if a movie can nv hold their attention unless it has funny jokes, great action scenes, wonderful special effects, scary shocks or some tender romantic scene in every single minute! Such addiction to sensationalism... Sigh...

Well, as for me, watching that movie again makes me appreciate it even more so. Some comments by the more alert and patient viewers are quite interesting, and did shed more light to my understanding of the movie. Of cuz, Bryan's cynical "unbelief" is hilarious too, though I wonder does he actually like the movie really.

Now that Endocrine System is over and Rotation Posting is beginning, I guess I should start revising my sem 1 stuff already. I guess I couldn't revising anything during the 1st 2 systems of sem 5, considering they're probably the toughest systems there are in phase 1: musculoskeletal system and the nervous system... And since I have to conduct the Q & A session for the sem 1 summative 1 exam anyway, might as well read up a bit so that I won't embarassed myself in front of the juniors! Lol.

...Hey I end up updating something after all... Not bad... Hehe. Let's hope the upcoming rotation is full of fun! Really looking forward for the KKB posting now considering how many friends I'll be with there! >=)

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