Thursday, August 30, 2007

Why I can't be a...

Steve Jones over at Ethical Monotheism posted 3 insightful entries on why he can't be a catholic, liberal christian or evangelical christian. I've been thru similar stages myself, critical on one denomination before switching sides and criticizing the denomination I was from, and eventually culminated with where I am now: critical with the very concept of mass worship.

Mind you I'm not condemning all churchgoers to be lost souls. It's just that I find it hard to have an authentic relationship with God if I'm required to give up my personal faith in order to achieve conformity with the crowd. I'm convinced that there are saints among the churchgoers, but I also believe that God meant some of us to be closer to him thru segregation from the crowd rather than be one with the whole.

Here are the links to the blog entries:

1 comment:

Beautiful Feet said...

Jesus called His followers "believers", "disciples" and also addressed churches according to their geographical location (not a denominational label) in the 7 letters to the 7 churches - In the latter, He addressed the spiritual influences that were affecting their faith - we tend to get infected with different notions depending upon the influences that we are open and receptive towards.