Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Note to Self

Note to self:

1. Persistence need not be equate to annoyance. It is an effective method to get things done. Be nice and diplomatic to others and don't push them to do something they should would only result in stagnancy and I'll be the only one who's losing out. Stop being such a timid wuss Thom, and do wat needs to be done without procrastinating.

2. "Mind your own business" isn't completely a selfish, egoistic phrase after all. I used to associate that phrase with insolence and anti-social, but I have come to realize the value of personal privacy, and really, sometimes, we juz shouldn't dig in so much about a person's private affairs. It can be seriously annoying, and it can cause potential deterioration of friendships.

3. Just bcuz one is constantly surrounded by idiots doesn't mean he should succumb to this twisted phenomenon called 'peer pressure' whereby one is forced to reduced ones intelligence to fit into the level of these lowlings. Just be yourself Thom, and do wat u believe is right. After all, you are at least slightly above average in terms of intelligence among the general population.

4. There's limited oppurtunity to learn, so grab hold of it when u can. To hell with the humiliating criticism and intimidating challenges: all med students need to go thru this anyway. Go for it, suffer thru the fire, and you may emerge a better, more skillful person. To those who give pretty excuses in order to avoid coming under fire, they are the only ones in the losing end. There's plenty to gain in all the small windows of oppurtunity of learning, and everything to lose if one misses them.

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