Friday, September 07, 2007

Losing my religion

Things are becoming obvious now. I've spent the whole year in limbo, and now I finally see - I have a decision to make.

Now I have to choose between surrendering myself to nihilism (Nietzsche's words are incredibly seductive), or taking a Kierkegaardian leap of faith to... only God knows where. The tension of having to choose between the two extremes is causing an unbearable anguish within me: I've been neglecting my everyday life.

But one thing's for sure: I'm losing my religion. I can no longer hold on to my old beliefs. A change must come; which one?


SteveJ said...

Hi Thom,

After reading your latest entry, I sincerely hope I haven't been one of the influences pushing you toward nihilism (which I don't embrace myself). My own posted thoughts certainly aren't aimed at contributing to anyone's dark night of the soul. (I say this knowing that you must be reading lots of material, not just mine.)

If you'd like another confused traveler to sympathize with, drop me a line at stevejones53 followed by "at" and then inbox, then dot com.

Anonymous said...

Why do you have to choose? Just enjoy the mystery of it all. What choice encompasses all choices? That what be the one I would choose.

Anonymous said...

Faith is the only thing that keeps human beings going. We need faith. Faith is almost a blind trust but without it..... what is there? I personally believe that Faith in God is the only faith that is eternal and true. Everyone has faith in something, even nilihism has faith that life is meaningless. Humanist have faith in themselves, Nietzche went crazy in his faith for Ubermensch and the will to power. David Hume denied that we can prove cause and effect, the basis of all logical thought and reasoning, nevertheless he considered we need to believe in it, we need to have faith in it. I don't believe it's possible not to have faith, just have faith in the right thing, that which is eternal and true.

lupdup said...

to Anonymous:

refusing to choose is a choice to, albeit a choice that leads to nothingness.

i can't choose that bcuz i need passion in my life to live. i simply couldn't accept just floating down the stream of time to my death.

Anonymous said...

Your over-dramatic bullshit sickens me. Make a choice, be responsible for it and cut the shit.