Wednesday, November 16, 2005

rAmBLinGs (sEriOUsLy)

i'm so sick and bored of myself i desperately need some form of reinvention new look new interests new lifestyle make new friends explore my surroundings try out new stuff demand the payments in time (or they'll juz drag on and on) stop getting broke try shisha perhaps clubbing (wat for i can't dance/drink/smoke) exercise more consistently (4 + 4 is a good start Thom for ur jogging) lap swimming non-stop non-stop (hold ur breathe) non-stop juz keep on going non-stop stamina need to be improved stamina more cardio weight resistance can wait juz focus focus focus on stamina focus on stamina stamina stamina u worthless piece of shit...

reinvent reinvent out out out u go show them what you fear distrusts yes responsibilities sucks i need to take care of myself 1st argh wanna drop them all but how who to resume (can i hide here?) where was the enthusiasm where where where Thom where are you can't recognize you (I'm lost at sea, don't bother me) where was the energy the naivete the (you you you) personality the individuality the comfortability with yourself you once have Thom Thom Thom why sever yourself from others why estrange yourself from your friends why why why...

at least i still have you... thank you, you're all i can cling to...

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