Sunday, February 05, 2006

Cage of the Mind

I often hate myself for building a cage around me when what I really yearn for is to be completely free. Problem is, I don't really know what it is that traps me within.

Is it superficial politeness born out of cultural expectation?

Is it a longing juz to be normal?

Or is it juz plain guilt?

Which explains why I'm always stuck in a cycle of sparks of interest, enthusiastic growth, eventual boredom, burning conflicts, and then rapid destruction followed by a period of depression before a new beginning blossoms.

Sometimes the only way to be free is to tear down everything that is close to you, everything that you hold dearly. It is only when you've lost everything are you truly free, for obligations and restrictions will no longer bind you to your knees.

But is freedom worth the price of losing everything?

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