Monday, February 13, 2006

Unwanted Advices

I've always appreciate advices and personal insights from my friends. They help me to perceive events in a different perspective, and sometimes when I'm truly stuck, their assistance really help much in getting me out of the mudhole I've gotten myself into. Some of their perceptions are even permanently absorbed and become homogenous with my worldview!

However, there exists a kind of people, who can't help but constantly giving out advices no matter how unwanted they are, and who can't stop passing judgements on other people's perception based on theirs. Their self-righteouness is incredibly repulsive, and yet, they are totally unaware of their flaw. They have this twisted idea that they are doing this to help, but to many, what they said are perceived as harsh criticisms, or worse, an outright insult.

These people really need to realize that just as much as they find other people's perception to be unpractical/stupid/wrong, it is only fair for them to realize that others may think of their perception as unpractical/stupid/wrong. This... my-ideas-are-the-right-one-so-just- do-things-these-way-or-you're-an-idiot attitude should be dealt with... But how to do so for a guy who detests an outright confrontation like me?

I'm sick of listening to all of their self-righteous judgements and unwanted advises (heck if their advices so successful, why aren't they?), but I'm also sick of avoiding them just so that I won't explode one day and give them a piece of my mind (which probably will lead to a permanent rift between us).

How do one live peacefully without the harassments from all these repulsive individuals?

And so, I choose avoidance. Friendship estrangement is still better than frank hostility. Sad, but necessary. You just cannot like and please everyone.

(P.S.: Matt, in case you're feeling paranoid, not this is not about you. =P)

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