Saturday, February 28, 2004

I'm kinda in a very depressed mood now... Funny, I juz feel so enthusiastic not so long ago... Now it has all died out and fizzled...

Well, today was the day when we meet the seniors. They give us quite a scare there with a fake test, coupled by a very convincing acting by one of the seniors pretending to be some IMU staff. I was laughing like mad when it began to dawn on me that the whole spot test/mock test thing is so improbable and unsensible that it mush have been some trick by the seniors. They show us a slide show on the orientation then, which, to my opinion, was so overdone it turned out to be fuuny rather than slightly disturbing (which I imagined that's wat they intend the audience to feel).

Then we're separated into groups follow our OO (Orientation Officers) to discuss the orientation stuff. It's then we have to vote for 3 "post" in our group... Group Leader, BBQ Rep. and... the IMCC... Wat's the IMCC, u ask? Well, the IMCC is a guy who must represent his group to act/talk/walk/dance/wear/etc etc as a girl and perform them on stage in 3 minutes... No big deal, u may think, but he also have to shave his body hair too... i.e. the facial hair (excluding THE hair and eyebrow), the hairs on the limbs, and of cuz, the armpit. Those who fail to do so will be "waxed" by the seniors, that is, having their hair removed one by one using tapes.

When the voting begins, I volunteer to be the group leader, since I'll rather be that then the IMCC (read: I am sissy)... But many of my group memebers' and the OO's reaction really surprised (and in a sense, horrifies) me then... They already have a candidate for IMCC in their mind... ME!!! I was like, huh?! But they're a couple of guys who are slightly girly in nature! Why me?! I guess my "sporting-ness" impressed them a bit too much... Dang it! I tried to argue out of it then, and by chance our station master came to our group...

She could have been a God-send angel then, bcuz she sez that another group's IMCC was very pretty (I felt revolted when I heard that adjective used on a guy), and when asked by our OO which guys among our group is "pretty", she pointed at Jin Aun rite beside me. I was very glad then, and really worked hard on convincing them to select him instead. It seems to be effective at first, but I can't help but feeling guilty pushing such... er... humiliating stuff for others. I mean, I won't be happy if someone does that to me... I strongly followed the Golden Rule (Do unto others what you want others to do unto you), thus i dun feel good doing juz that. I guess I subconciously give in to my conscience, and overdid my part. In the end, I'm still chosen due to my loud mouth...

Well, now that it's done, I guess I could only treat it positively or negatively... I'll opt for the former. Let's juz hope I remained optimistic and enthusiastic (and a good degree of shamelessness...).

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