The good news was out during the CG last Friday... Heng Jeng has accepted Christ as his saviour on the Saturday b4!!! I am SO SO happy for him!!! He has joined our CG for a long time, and eventhough he has his doubts, he has gain hope also from the seemingly purposelessness of life. I have been praying for him time and again, that he might eventually see the love and sacrifice that God has for us... The time has finally came!!! Welcome to the family of God, brother!!!
The night b4 the test (25/4), around 10pm while I always still studying, I suddenly got a call from (none other than) Heng Jeng. He told me to open the door, as there's a bunch of ppl who are coming to my apartment to pray for my test... All I could remember was that I was really really touched when a bunch of Campus Friend ppl, most of them I barely know, slowly striding into my apartment, one even carried a guitar! They invited my housemates to join in the prayer for our test too! In fact, I was so touched, I ended up following them around to houses to pray rather than studying back in my room!!!
But in the course of action, I missed something great too... For minutes after I left with them, my Serdang Hope of God CG members turned out at my apartment to pray for me too!!! Worst, they actually have some siow pau and I forgot what else with them!!! They came, and when they found out I'm not home, they left me a seashell with a message for me to depend on God for my studies... I was quite disappointed when I found out what I've missed after I've returned... Nevertheless, I feel very blessed by the tons of support from my brothers and sisters, from the Campus Friends, Hope of God Serdang CG, and also my CG back home at Klang. Thank you God for all the blessings you have showered upon me!!! My cup overflows!!!
The day has finally came... I was a little worry at the morning, for I suddenly have a mind blank-out after the prayer visit last night... Nevertheless, I went to the pre-summative prayer meeting and surrendered everything unto God's hands. When the time finally came, I went into the exam hall... All the thirty or forty hours (maybe more) of my studies will now depend on this one hour... But as started doing the paper... I can't helped by felt really really geram...
The questions that came out were so irrelevant and easy... I overlooked them during my studies!!! Argh... There I go studying all the anatomy and physiology of the cardiavascular and respiratory system, and ends up none of them came out!!! Not to mention the rather complicated haemostasis!!! Worse still, all the glucose, amino acid and lipid metabolism (and the ultimate killer Integrated Metabolism)... N.O.N.E.!!! Instead, we're asked about body composition and BMI!!!! ARGH... I dunno wat IMU is thinking... I could have done as well by juz reading the notes a few days b4 the exam instead of every night after lecture!!! Sheesh...
Still, I guess the efforts aren't wasted... Those that I really spent a lot of time on will probably come out during the end of semester Finals... And thank God too, for I believe none of us could possibly fail this test... Unless he was sleeping all day long during lectures and nv touched his lecture notes at all, which is impossible considering they managed to entered IMU and having gone thru all the stiff competition.
Right after the summative and after having lunch at Shakey's with the sem 2s celebrating Ai Ling's birthday, me, Jane, Michelle, Joseph, and Xian Nian went to KLCC by Star LRT and later transit at Masjid Jamek. Spent about 1 and a half hour at Kinokuniya (wat u expect from a bookworm like me? Going straight to a bookshop rite after a test!!! >=), bought the parody Bored of the Rings. Then juz walked rather aimlessly around, killing some time, having some root beer (man I seriously miss the taste of them), Kyros Kebab for dinner... Then joined with Joseph to go for Sungei Wang Plaza after splitting with the rest (The breaking of the fellowship... Sniff). Finally got my first bird-eye's view of the famous Bintang Walk which I know next to nothing about, and get to step into Sungei Wang Plaza after about 10 or more years interval... Sad that I can't recall anything at all since my last visit... Has it really has been so long ago??
Anyway, Joseph's primary purpose of going all the way there was to get a hair-growing formula for his dad... Quite a costly 1 too, RM 240+... Then I get to walk around Sungei Wang Plaza and Lau Yat (I dunno how to spell it) behind it... Too bad most of the shop was close by then. Get to buy Kill Bill Vol. 1 DVD there (Vol. 2 was sold out... DANG!) By the time we went back to Vista Komanwel, it's 10.30pm already! This was the 1st time that I actually took Star LRT and the monorail... Man is it pricey! Still, I've spent a great time!
Went to EV's place thru Jody's car on the morning after the test. Not long after we've arrived, EV, Sue Ann and Jody went out somewhere, while we watched the Kill Bill Vol. 1 DVD that I've juz bought yesterday! I was a bit hesitant to play the DVD at 1st... Come on, everybody knows this seriously isn't a movie u'll juz show it to everyone! I'm juz... well, not sure if everyone can take in the gore, as cheesy and funny as it is. But I guess it worked out fine in the end. In fact, I get to know more about katanas and some other Jap stuff thru the tutelage of Iona!
We went to A&W later after EV has returned, and came back... well, doing all kinds of stuff like playing Pictionary, Taboo, playing the piano (if I only I can play it too... sigh... Almost everyone there are experts), practising my Tai Chi, and all sorts of crazy stuff u won't catch us doing during the hectic schedule of IMU life. It's kinda dull yet kinda relaxing at the same time, I guess. After all, how do u spend ur holiday but... well, getting wasted? Anyway, that applies for me! After having a rather pricey steamboat dinner (too bad Jin Ken, King, Matthew and Iona didn't join us!), I was sent back home by EV.

Now that I've watched Kill Bill Vol. 1 again and juz finished watching the awesome movie trailer of Kill Bill Vol. 2, I juz can't wait to watch the 2nd half of the movie!!! There's much hope that there will be more emotional resonance and character development in the sequel (or continuation, since it was meant to be one movie). Have to get the DVD soon!!! Btw, doesn't the poster look cool? A bride with a katana! Kewl!!! >=)
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