Friday, March 05, 2004


It's already more than 26 hours since the Treasure Hunt has ended, and about 6 or 7 baths since, but I still can't get the stink out of my hair. It smells (combination) of flour, syrup, ketchup, eggs, mud, ink, chicken fat, fishy-stink water (from a pail with a dead catfish in it) and God knows what else. I've dipped my clothes from the hunt for about 10 times, and for the last 5 times, I even added detergen. They still stank, and it seems hopeless to ever to get them clean again. My pink orientation shirt is now dark brown in colour, with traces of mess all over.

The hunt was, indeed, the most disgusting experience I've ever had. Not to say that I hated it, but the stench and mess is damn uncomfortable, and some of the ragging are truly real hard to tolerate. Yet thank God, I did not explode to the seniors. And as bad as the treasure hunt was, it wasn't as bad as it was b4. I juz got a few eggs squashed in my pants (once by myself, the other one by a girl using a forehead, slightly to the left of my groin). My shirt was dipped into water with chicken fat, mud (possibly with shit added), murky water with a dead catfish in it (it was alive at the beginning of the orientation, but was removed from the water to be kissed by the juniors for so many times it finally died), and seriously, I dun know wat else is in the others. I guess it's better not to know.

As bad as it may sound, our group have escaped the worst. A few groups were forced to eat dog food, one guy was forced to eat some kind of worms and drink a cupful of pure whiskey, quite a number of guys were zapped at their nipples using the electric mosquito killer bat thingie (one guy was zapped at his private part), and a lot more that I dunno anything of. A few of my group mates also kena wasabi on their nipples or armpits, but luckily I avoided it. Indra Raja's station was the more notorious station I guess... Really hope that I won't get to encounter him again during orientation.

Well, now that the worst of the orientation has come to past, let's hope I can enjoy the last couple of days. I'll really be very busy tomorrow with the praparation for Variety Night. Eventhough I'm no longer the IMCC, I still has the part of a perverted Juliet character to play. Yes, I'm to dressed up in a bra and a skimpy nightgown (spaghetti strip) in magenta/pink. Let's juz hope I'll enjoy it and forgotten everything about it after tomorrow. Man, it's really hard to wear a bra, and even harder to take it off. In fact, once I was unable to unstrap it, and have to pull it down all over to my feet (like pulling down ur pants) to remove it!

Our group is in the fourth placing now (we almost became the winner of the treasure hunt... sigh), and there's high hope we can win the Best Cheer award. Here's our cheer:

Go go go! Bitchy bitchy bye!
We'll lick you, we'll suck you, we'll make you high!
We're the best and beat the rest, we'll make them cry!

(Stamps and claps)

Bitchy x6 bye!
Bitchy Bye... (Big Cib**)

If u think that's vulgar and obscene, our cheer happens to be the one of the mildest one for the orientation. Future doctors... rite... >=)

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