Sunday, September 19, 2004

1st WEEK

Came back home from IMU yesterday to realize that my mum has been quite sick for several days already... She have been resting at home since then, rarely rise up to do anything. She has chills, fever, and also, her urine is very warm. I asked her about the doctor's diagnosis, and she told me it's urinary tract infection or something. Juz check out my Medical Advisor book and try my luck out on Bladder Infection. Yup, the symptoms fits. Seems that the E. coli from her intestine has somehow infected her bladder and urinary tract. How the bacteria got there... use ur imagination! >=)

Well, 1st week of sem 2 has been quite ok... so far. My 1st CSU session was awful, since I dunno wat to expect at all on the interview with the simulated patient... It's really hard not to act when u're so aware that the person u're interviewing is acting himself. But well, I'm hopeful I'll get familiarize with this soon. The 1st PBL session we have on sem 2 was also probably the best I've been thru. I kinda like my new PBL group, since it's much more discussion than the one I have last sem. Having Bryan and Thaven in my PBL group is pretty cool too!

Alright, gotta study now. Not much heavy lectures so far, but I can foresee that next week's patho lectures will be quite heavy... So better finish up this week's lecture notes 1st! Still can't decide whether should I buy the 7th edition of Papa Patho though...

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