Monday, May 24, 2004


Dr. Hera Lukman gave us a personality test (called the NEO Five-Factor Inventory Test) today during her lecture on Personality. I have always enjoyed doing tests about myself not so much for the results, but in trying to figure out HOW the designers of the test get their data. Well, this test is one of the better ones that I've taken, and it's kinda accurate too in many ways.

Here's the results!

Neuroticism - Average
Generally calm and able to deal with stress, but you sometimes experience feelings of guilt, anger, or sadness.

True, I'm usually in a jovial mood, but I do have my ups and downs, I guess.

Extraversion - Very High
Extraverted, outgoing, active, and high-spirited. You prefer to be around people most of the time.

Hahaha... for this particular category, I already know the results even b4 I finished the test! Everybody knows that I'm hyperactive, loud and annoying! Akakakaka...

For the next following 3 categories, I neither score very high/very low or average, but more of the in-betweens, i.e. high/low. So I'll post the 2 statements that I'm stuck in between la! >=)

Openness - High
1. Open to new experiences. You have broad interests and very imaginative.
2. Practical but willing to consider new ways of doing things. You seek a balance between the old and the new.

I am open to new experiences, but I'm particularly very imaginative. My interests are broad, but I do like some of the new modern ideas while at the same time honour certain traditions.

Agreeableness - High
1. Compassionate, good-natured, and eager to cooperate and avoid conflict.
2. Generally warm, trusting, and agreeable, but you can sometimes be stubborn and competitive.

Yup, well, I am good-natured (and compassionate to a certain extent la... haha), and I do try to cooperate usually, but I'll make my stand if I disagree with the crowd. Oh and I LOVE competition! I need it to motivate me!!! Guess that's y I'm labelled as a kiasu bugger... haha

Conscientiousness - Low
1. Dependable and moderately well-organized. You generally have clear goals but you are able to set your work aside.
2. Easygoing, not very well-organized, and sometimes careless. You prefer not to make plans.

Well, I am not organized, that's for sure, but I do set some goals in my life. Careless, yes; No plans? Not exactly la... I do plan stuff... in a vague kinda way!

So there u have it, a simple personality dissection of Thomas! Haha... Man I can't believe I actually mistaken the international time 1500 as 4:00 pm... It wasn't until I woke up at 3.30pm that I realized that my Interview Video Review Session was supposed to start at 3, not 4!!! Man wat an embarassment... Imagine, a future doctor, late for his appointment! Sigh... Must be more alert in the future!

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