Monday, November 10, 2003


Watched Identity in DVD last night... Great movie! It starts off as a whodunit murder suspense, but halfway through, there is a twist in the plot that change the entire direction of the plot. It became a psychological thriller thingie... Oops, hope I dun juz spoiled it! The fun thing is I predicted the twist about 5 minutes before it is revealed! Hahahaha... Na, it wasn't that hard actually, anyone with a decent intelligence level will pick it up easily...

But it's kinda sad that the movie's intelligence and ingenuity kinda drops after the plot is twisted... Unlike The Sixth Sense and The Others whereby the plot twist makes the whole story become much more interesting, the one in Identity is kinda disappointing becuz... well, it's kinda unbelievable... And I hate the ending... I nv like stories where evil triumphs in the end. >=( Nonetheless, it's more clever then the pretentious Matrix sequels, Reloaded and Revolution (but The Matrix is good!) Worth a watch!

Two clues for the plot twist: Multiple Personailty Syndrome, and the title of the movie.

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