Friday, June 11, 2004


I'm not sure should I be happy or mad now that I have discover this awesome board game The Settlers of Catan (no Matt, there's no ' between "Ca" & "tan"), thanks (or no thanks) to the intro by Matthew. I kinda suspect that I'm starting to get addicted to the game, although Matt's home-made version of the game is far more inferior aesthetically from the original version (if u see that white manila card Matt has been carrying around lately full of hand-drawn hexagons, u'll know wat I mean). And let's juz my priority shouldn't be on games now for the next 1 month...

It's been ages since I am actually excited by a board game, since Cluedo about 5 years ago I think. (Risk is juz too complicated and time-consuming for me, and I have always hated Monopoly). The game isn't exactly complicated, but it is hard to describe without actually playing the game. Sufficient to say that it involves establishing settlements and gathering & trading resources on the island of Catan. The best thing about the game is that the layout of the island is almost nv the same each time u play it, since thet are made of hexagonal tiles with different enviroments randomly placed. The strategies and luck needed throughout the game are quite balanced too, that is, to my opinion.

Of cuz, Matthew could probably tell u a great deal more about the game if he ever blogs about it in his blog. I'll try to persuade him to do so. In the meantime, I'll have to force myself NOT to play the game anymore at least till the end of Summative Two... I still have loads of studies to do!!! <=)

JUMBO Catan!!!

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