Wednesday, September 24, 2003


Lost a blog entry... gotta retype... Sheesh...

Well, surprise surprise, the dog is back!!! It juz appeared out of nowhere when I returned home... Boy am I glad to see it!!! I first spotted its beautiful wagging tail, n I'm like... Can it be?! It took me awhile to recognized it, for it looks different somehow... Thinner, n the eyes were downcast n like -_- rather than the big cheerful ones I knew... Well, glad that it did not suffer a cruel fate. Thank God!!!

Went to Pyramid with my cousin (again... hehe) to watch Darkness... Any my, it is a HORRIBLY PRETENTIOUS MOVIE. Copy stuffs from The Sixth Sense n The Shining, flimsy plot, shallow n boring characters, mediocre actings, poor script, confusing n dun make any sense... Wat a waste of my time... 1.5 stars out of 5.

Well, confirmed all my mid-term results adi: Biology- 97%, Economics- 95%, Physics-85%... There's a BIG gap between Physics n the other 2... Sigh... Must improve the mark for it in my 2nd term... Nonetheless, I'm very happy with Bio n Econs!!!

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