Friday, July 18, 2003


Found this two scary urban legends on the net... I'll share with you guys here! I've modified some of the minor details, and the variants too, to make these tales easier to remember... Heehee... >=)

Aren't You Glad You Didn't Turn On The Light?

Two girls are roommates in the college dorms. One girl leaves to go to her friend's apartment at night. Some time passes and she decided to stay overnight at her friend's place. But first she has to go back to her room to retrieve a few of her stuffs. Her room was dark when she entered. Thinking that her roommates was sleeping, she does not turn the light on. She just fumbled for her stuffs in the dark, and left the room after she got them. When she finally returns to the room the next morning, there are police outside her door. They asked if she lived there and she said yes. They took her into her room, and there, written in blood on the wall, were the words, "Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?" Her roommate was being murdered while she was getting her stuffs!!! The girl barely escapes murder herself and the only reason she lives is because she did not turn on the lights!!!

And here's a close variant to the tale...

Humans Can Lick Too

Once there was a a young girl who lived in a small town just south of Farmersburg. Her parents had to go to town for a while, so they left their daughter home alone, but protected by her dog, which was a very large collie. And at about 8:00pm the parents went to town. A few hours later, she decided to go to sleep for the night. Settling down to sleep at about 12:00 she snuggled up with the dog and fell asleep.

But at one point, she suddenly woke up. She turned and looked at the was 2:30. She snuggled down again wondering what had woken her.....when she heard a noise. It was a dripping sound. She thought that she had left the water running, and now it was dripping into the drain of her sink. So thinking it was no big deal she decided to go back to sleep.

But she felt nervous so she reached her hand over the edge of her bed, and let the dog lick her hand for reasurance that he would protect her. Again at about 3:45 she woke up hearing drippping. She was slightly annoyed now but went back to sleep anyway. Again she reached down and let the dog lick her hand. Then she fell back to sleep.

At 6:52 the girl decided that she had had enough...she got up just in time to see her parents were pulling up to the house. "Good,"she thought. "Now somebody can fix the sink...'cause I know I didn't leave it running." She walked to the bathroom and there was the collie dog, skinned and hung up on the curtain rod. The noise she heard was its blood dripping into a puddle on the floor. The girl screamed and ran to her bedroom to get a weapon, in case someone was still in the house.....and there on the floor, next to her bed she saw a small note, written in blood, saying: HUMANS CAN LICK TOO.

Scary, eh? Are you shivering now? Heehee... >=) Of course, no ones know for sure now whether are these tales true or false... It's up to you to decide!!!

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